とばたの家Tobata House

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敷地は九州工業大学に近く、周辺には昔ながらの住宅と学生用マンションが混在し、散歩や通勤・通学のために人通りの絶えない交差点に面し ている。外に向かって単純に開いてしまうと通行人からの視線が気になると感じ、閉じつつも外部環境をいかに内部に取り込むかを考えた。一 階の玄関ホールでは、靴を脱ぐ境目のない土間と通りの様子をフレーミングする奥行きのある開口により、都市と住宅がゆるやかに繋がるよう にした。二階ではダイニング・リビングと小さなはなれの間にテラスを設け、三方をルーバーで囲い、そのテラスを屋内の一部と捉えた。新旧様々な住宅が建ち並ぶ雑多な住宅街 のなかで、外部環境と内部環境の関係性を改めて考え直すことのより、家族にとってかけがえのない居場所になることを願っている。

The site is close to Kyushu Institute of Technology, surrounded by traditional houses and condominiums for students, facing a constant intersection of the road for walking, commuting and commuting. We were concerned about the gaze from a passerby if we opened it just outside and thought about how to incorporate the external environment while closing. In the entrance hall on the first floor, the city and the house were made to be gently connected by the opening with the depth that framed the dirt and the street of the street without removing the shoes. On the second floor, we set up a terrace between dining / living room and small breakfast space. We enclosed the three sides with louvers and caught the terrace as a part of the indoor space. We hope that the place will be valuable for family member by reconsidering the relationship between the outdoor environment and the indoor environment in various miscellaneous residential areas where many old and new houses built. ASANO2-6-16-3F,KOKURAKITA-KU,KITAKYUSHU-SHI,FUKUOKA,802-0001,JAPAN Copyright@FURUMORI KOICHI ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO All right reserved.